Monday, October 18, 2010

Made it to Berlin!!

This city is HUGE! And there is no English (combined with the first time we have encountered people working in the tourist industry, including at the ticket counter in train station) making it very overwhelming. Tomorrow we are going on a city tour, and probably to a few museums.

Randomly, train strikes are going on throughout France and Belgium. This made our 6 hour train ride very full, though still better than flying, because everyone had to change plans to leave Amsterdaam to either of those locations, which are major destinations from there. In any case, we have been quite lucky to not get stuck anywhere without public transit yet, as there were also strikes in London the day before we arrived. Hope to stay on the right side of this luck.... :)

 Also the z and y are in the opposite places on the keyboard making it verz annozing to type.... so thats it for now!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Berlin is incredible!!! WOW! So much to see and do, and yes, very big!

    Just remember, when a German word has ie in it, you pronounce the e, as in "ein bier (sounds like "beer") bitte".

    When it has ei, you pronounce the i, as in "ein wein bitte!"

    That, and eat lots of doner kebab!! (yufka [a wrap], not teller [plate]). The cheapest, most delicious food you will ever find. Also, unbeatable drunk food.

    Good luck with the train strikes... we got caught in the middle of one in Paris... good times.
