Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello from Amsterdam!

Just a quick post today, as we are off to see a museum or two this afternoon. We are staying in a great B&B here in Amsterdam- our room is huge, with a high ceiling and in suite bathroom - a really nice break from bunk beds in shared rooms, and in a great location just outside of the red light district. In fact, there are some very friendly (though barely dressed) ladies in the windows just next door!!! There is also an exceptionally high number of "coffeeshops" with their immediately recognizable smoke blowing down the street. Truly though where we are staying is a great area and good walking distance to all the museums and whatnot.

Yesterday we toured the Anne Frank house, which was incredibly moving and sad. The space they hid in was actually quite a bit bigger than I had always imagined, and really interesting to see. The foundation that runs the house has also taken on the mission of looking forward to end discrimination around the world, which I think is a great way to continue the message.

To shake off a bit of the gloomy depression of the house, we then went on a pub crawl tour through the red light district! We met some hilarious Irish boys from Belfast who kept us in stitches the whole evening- everytime we would get seperated for a few minutes, and one saw us again, they would shout "AMERICANSSS!!!!" and come running up with big hugs (they had been drinking since noon....and this was around 10 PM). Anyway, it was good fun.

Not many photos to post yet because it was raining all day, but it looks sunny out so maybe some better ones later or tomorrow.


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