Thursday, October 21, 2010

Czech In Time

Katie in Prague
Originally uploaded by klheckert
Yes, made it to Prague, Czech Republic (forgive the czech in time pun). The train ride here from Berlin- in a word, beautiful. The train tracks followed the river in a valley for several hours, which swept upwards into large hills (small mountains?) covered in stunning black rock walls and trees with changing leaves. There were even a couple castles along the way.

We're staying in a great B&B/Hostel here, that I think is actually larger than our condo (yeah I know, it's not hard to beat that), with high ceilings and a full kitchen. Very nice though not much furniture :) (see the photo).

We ate traditional Czech food tonight- I had beef goulash (think beef stew but spicy, with dumplings on the side to soak up the sauce) and Matt ordered a crazy beef with cream sauce and whipped cream and rasberry jam (also with dumplings). This sounds insane, but was really good - and who knew that your dinner could also be your dessert???

We also got to wander around after dark, across the "royal road" and toward Prague castle- it looks beautiful, though I'm not sure my photos reflect it- I didn't have my tripod along so it was hard to take good shots. But you can get an idea, and better photos tomorrow.

That's all for now, more (daytime) photos tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY PRAGUE!! One of the most AWESOME places I visited!! I remember the dumplings for the sauce, mmmmm... Hopefully you had a delicious pilsner urquell to accompany it!

    Sounds like an awesome time train ride too! I am highly jealous! :)
